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Ghanians Preparing for a Civil War,,,,,,Not again,,,

A member of the communication team for the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC), Gabby Asuming has stated that with all the facts that the NDC has the majority in Parliament and won more than seven regions out of ten in the 2012 election, it cannot be overlooked in the court case by the judges.
He stressed that apart from the NPP which is challenging the credibility of the 2012 election in court, all the bodies including the foreign media and observers have stated that the election was the most transparent, free and fair in the history of elections in the country.
Speaking on Okay FM, he said that the NPP have always complained about elections which they lose; adding that the NDC won the 2012 elections on fair grounds and so nobody can deny them the mandate to rule for the four years.
He however averred that the fact that the NPP have taken the 2012 election to court cannot give them any assurance that they will win the case; indicating that if indeed there are genuine issues with the 2012 election which need to be challenged in court, the petitioners should have asked for recount of the ballot papers and not the pink sheets.
According to him the 2012 election was not conducted on the face of the pink sheet and so the mistakes on the part of presiding officers failing to sign or write the correct figures on the pink sheets cannot annul all the results recorded at the polling stations, after the people have gone through the pain in long queues to vote for their rightful candidate.
In the assessment of the NDC communicator, the petitioners' case has no solid evidence which can overturn power and make their candidate Nana Akufo-Addo the President of Ghana; in that the petitioners should have analyzed that their representatives in Parliament form the minority which makes it impossible for Nana Akufo-Addo to become the President.
He stressed that the NPP is only making mockery of themselves because the Ashanti and part of Eastern regions cannot make the NPP win the 2012 election; insisting that the NDC won the 2012 election genuinely without any error.
'I tell you that, look this election which the NDC has won genuinely, there is no place for Nana Addo; H.E President Mahama will make his 4 years mandate and there is nobody, Nana Addo, on the face of the pink sheet, to be a President, then maybe we are calling for civil war in this country, I am telling you,' the NDC communicator charged.

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